Tapetenwechsel is a local graffiti festival in Mönchengladbach. I was
tasked with redesigning its corporate identity to reflect the festival’s
diverse artistic expressions and cultural richness.
The new identity is rooted in the idea of diversity and unity. I selected
a typeface with various cuts and mixed them within the logo
to symbolize different artistic styles and the multicultural spirit
of the festival. Each letter in the logo features a different weight
and style, representing our individuality while celebrating our shared
space and passion for graffiti.
I aimed for an identity that feels authentic to hip-hop and graffiti
culture without leaning on clichés. The design is clean and modern,
using spray paint grain textures sparingly to maintain a balance.
To put the spotlight on the artists, I collaborated with five graffiti
artists, each contributing a character illustration of a spray can.
These illustrations were central to five unique posters, adding a
playful twist to the otherwise structured design.